Repair & Internal Parts?

We offer no repair services or internal parts.


Many years ago we offered repair services and various internal components such as the LCD.  The intent was to help those that had an UltraGauge that had failed outside the warranty period.   However, instead the service became a life support unit for abused UltraGauge.   We would receive units with the cords cut, smashed, stretched and ripped out of the UltraGauge body.   Keys would be completely sheared off, screens cracked and shattered.  Lexan cases crushed and separated.  Units full of corrosion from being submerged in water.   And the trauma goes on and on.   This was not the intent of the service so it was discontinued.


We do offer updates, mounts and replacement plastics (cases) that are self-install here


For those that wish to purchase a replacement, we only offer the discounts that are currently listed on the order page of each product.


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